Updated 01/16/03

Hi there and welcome to my web site! Believe it or not, I have had a web site since I was born. My family has a web site, too. I'm the little fellow at left and I have an album of pictures that I have taken. It needs to be updated, because those are the ones I took when I was two! You also might enjoy the pictures of Daddy and me from Father's Day, 2001.

Daddy and I like to go geocaching. I have a page that lists my geocache finds. Have fun surfing the Adrian Leary site and be sure to drop me a note.

Adrian the Patriot
Adrian's 9/11 Tribute | Adrian's flag project from October 2, 2002 | Adrian as Liberty, Halloween 2002

Adrian the Artist
Coming soon...the Art Museum and Gallery!

Write to me! adrian@adrianleary.com

This page © 2001-2003 Adrian Leary and was created by Seth! at XSnrg.